Secrets To Losing Weight Without Much Efforts
Are you overweight?
Most people are afraid to admit they are.
It may not be a crime to be overweight, but it can be harmful to your health and life, if you fail to take action to reduce your weight.
Nobody wants to be overweight and ugly.
If you're overweight, are you interested in learning about the positive approach to taking action to deal with it?
Here are some weight loss insights to help you lose weight effortlessly.
It has been reported that one out of every seven Americans may be overweight.
So, being overweight is a problem facing millions of Americans today.
If you are overweight, you can begin today to do something about it.
Once you have made up your mind to lose weight, you should make that commitment and go into it with a positive attitude.
We all know that losing weight can be quite a challenge. In fact, for some, it can be downright tough.
It takes time, practice and support to change lifetime habits.
This is why having the right attitude is of paramount importance.
One well known actress, Kirstie Alley who became overweight has just created a TV show labeled Fat Actress show!
Instead of being at home and feeling sorry for herself for becoming overweight, she decide to create a show about it!
It is an example of having a positive attitude towards a problem and turning a misfortune into a good fortune that will yield millions of dollars.
The discipline required to modify and control your eating habits and to lose weight is a process you must learn in order to succeed.
You and you alone are the one who has the power to lose unwanted pounds.
Think like a winner, and not a loser - - remember that emotions are like muscles and the ones you use most grow the strongest.
If you always look at the negative side of things, you'll become a downbeat, pessimistic person. You'll fail.
Even slightly negative thoughts have a greater impact on you and last longer than powerful positive thoughts.
Negative thinking doesn't do you any good, it just holds you back from accomplishing the things you want to do.
When a negative thought creeps into your mind, replace it reminding yourself that you're somebody, you have self-worth and you possess unique strengths and talents.
Contemplate what lies ahead of you. Losing weight is not just about diets. It's about a whole new you and the possibility of creating a new life for yourself.
Investigate the weight loss programs that appeal to you and that you feel will teach you the behavioral skills you need to stick with throughout the weight-loss process.
First you should look for support among family and friends. It can be an enormous help to discuss obstacles and share skills and tactics with others on the same path.
You might look for this support from others you know who are in weight loss programs and you can seek guidance from someone you know who has lost weight and kept it off.
There are success stories across the country today. On television and in newspapers, magazines and tabloids about people who have miraculously lost untold pounds and kept it off.
In all instances they say their mental attitude as well as their outlook on life has totally changed.
Diets and weight loss programs are more flexible now than they once were and there are many prepared foods already portioned out.
They are made attractive and can be prepared in a matter of minutes.
Low-fat and low-calorie foods are on shelves everywhere.
You will probably need to learn new, wiser eating skills. You will want a weight loss regimen that gives you some control, rather than imposing one rigid system.
Look for one that offers a variety of different eating plans, so you can choose the one that's best for you.
Keep in mind, too, that your weight loss program will most likely include some physical exercises.
Look at the exercising aspect of your program as fun and recreation and not as a form of grueling and sweaty work.
The fact is that physical fitness is linked inseparable to all personal effectiveness in every field.
Anyone willing to take the few simple steps that lie between them and fitness will shortly begin to feel better, and the improvement will reflect itself in every facet of their existence.
Doctors now say that walking is one of the best exercises. It helps the total circulation of blood throughout the body, and thus has a direct effect on your overall feeling of health.
There are things such as aerobics, jogging, swimming and many other exercises which will benefit a weight loss program.
Discuss the options with your doctor and take his advice in planning your exercise and weight loss program.
I-key Benney, CEO
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The Simplest Asthma Solution - INFORMATIVENESS ARTICLES
The Top Ten Things You Dont Want to Hear About Losing Weight
(But What You Need to Know if You Want to Get Fit!)
10) No, you won't end up looking like the latest hot young model/singer/actress!
Let's face it: your body is your body. It's the only one you've got. Can you still look great? Sure! But there are some things you can't change. You can't make your legs longer or your feet smaller. You can't grow five inches or elongate your torso. You have what you have, so work with it! Concentrate on making a healthy and fit you instead of wishing you looked like someone else. You don't have to be perfect to be attractive. A strong, fit body as well as the self-confidence it brings can make any person attractive!
9) It's better to be muscular and weigh more than to be flabby and weigh less.
I've said it so many times: I'd much rather be 135lbs and muscular than 120lbs and flabby. I've been both, and 135lbs with a lower percent of body fat was definitely better! I was smaller, stronger and had much more energy. So, don't always seek that magical number on the scale, but look at your total body composition instead.
8) You can't get fit in a week.
Okay, well, you can, but only if you're one week away from being in peak condition and you keep working out. Otherwise, forget about it! If you want to look good for that class reunion or because you'll be in a bikini soon, then get moving way before that. Or better yet, get moving for your own health and not for "things" like reunions and bikinis.
7) You need to put some effort into it.
You want to get fit? You have to work at it. You have to plan it, you have to schedule it, and, most importantly, you have to do it. No excuses. Sitting on the couch, telling yourself you should be doing something will not burn up a lot of calories. If nothing else, get out there and start walking. And while you're out there walking think about a plan of action for a healthier you and get started on it today ? not tomorrow!
6) You need to exercise.
Can you lose weight just by diet alone? Sure, you can! But if you want to get fit, you need to exercise those muscles, including your heart. And that heart won't get any exercise if you're sitting on the couch, eating broccoli. Lose the weight that you need to lose and you'll just end up with a thin, but flabby, body. Get moving! Weight training is ideal, but if you're really not into weight training, find an activity you like to do that work all your major muscle groups.
5) You need to eat properly.
Putting aside any low carb/low fat/high protein controversies, the simple fact is, if you want a fit body, you need to nourish it. Protein, carbs and fat are important, but vitamins and minerals are key elements that your body needs, too. No matter what way of eating you're following make sure you're getting enough vitamins and minerals. Add a variety of fresh vegetables and fruit to your diet. The next time you go grocery shopping, linger around the produce section and not only pick out some old favorites, but experiment a little by trying something new!
4) You can't lose weight overnight.
You didn't gain it overnight -- or in two months -- and you're not going to lose it overnight -- or in two months. Think of getting fit as a train leaving the station: you start off slow, gather speed and then off you go! Patience is the key here. Look for consistent trends. If you're really not losing fat and getting stronger after a couple of months, then you need to sit down and honestly analyze what you're doing. Keep a journal to help you know how you're really eating and exercising.
3) You can't spot reduce.
Genetics will decide where the fat will come off. Doing 1000 crunches won't reduce your belly fat. Nor will 1000 leg lifts get rid of the fat on your inner thighs. Your body does not burn the fat it needs from the body part that you're exercising. Your body will burn fat much like an onion is peeled, a layer at a time, if you will. So, don't overdo it on the exercise for one specific body part and look to getting your whole body in shape.
2) There are no quick fixes.
That's right, you heard me. There are no quick fixes. None. Put all those pills, potions, contraptions and miracle diets in the garbage where they belong. Learn the basics about how your body gains muscle and loses fat, so you won't get sucked in by another scam again.
1) Fitness is a lifelong commitment!
So, you faithfully work out and eat properly and you've reached your goals. Now what? Well, now you've got to keep doing it for the rest of your life, that's what! You can't just work your way to being fit and then stop, because you'll end up exactly like you were before. Fitness is a lifelong commitment. And, you want to know a secret? It isn't easy! And anyone who says it is easy is trying to sell you something. Make fitness a lifelong ambition and you'll reap the rewards of a long and healthy life, filled with energy, strength and an overall sense of well being.
Suzanne Hiscock has been interested in fitness and nutrition for over 16 years. She is the owner of FitWatch Inc. and developer of the FitWatch Fitness Tracker, an online food and exercise tracker. You can visit the site at for a variety of fitness calculators and tools.
Skin Care - Healthy Diet
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Irish musician in step with lost art of cookingMick Bolger is happiest in the kitchen - at least, when he isn't singing an Irish ditty whilst banging on his bodhran.Cooking is becoming a lost art, he laments. And TV is the culprit."The average American watches around 22 hours of TV every week," says the Irish-born folk musician. "They say they don't have time to cook. But I do, because I don't watch TV. That's my great redemption." Bolger, leader of the traditional Irish band Colcannon, pretty much runs the kitchen in the Denver home ...
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HE'S known to be partial to a tasty curry, but now Alex Salmond is going on a special diet in a bid to support Scotland's food producers.From Monday, the First Minister has vowed to eat only food grown north of the Border as part of a campaign backing locally sourced ingredients.The idea was dreamt up by broadcaster and Scotsman columnist Stephen Jardine, who declared on STV's Five Thirty Show that he and his family planned to eat only home-grown products between Burns Night and St Andrew's Day.When he heard of Mr Jardine's plan, Mr S ...
8 Proven Weight Loss Tips
There are a lot of "crash" diets out there that promise that you'll drop a considerable amount of weight in days or a week.
I have tried a few of these, and in my experience the weight always comes back on, just as quickly since the weight loss tips given are not something that will work with your body.
One thing you don't want to do if you are actually serious about losing weight is to follow these fad diets and their ridiculous weight loss tips.
After their ineffectiveness has been proven time and again, people will start to wise up to that particular diet, and will head off in search of a new craze.
Lets be honest, people are always searching for new weight loss tips because they want to lose pounds and they want immediate results, but this is just wishful thinking.
To lose weight permanently and effectively it will be a rather slow progress, all depending on your metabolic rate and how much you need to lose.
There are however some proven tried and true weight loss tips for aiding in the weight loss process, and I can make you familiar with them.
Weight Loss Tip 1Don't skip breakfast. Whatever you do follow this advice, because otherwise you are much more likely in fact prone to binge later in the day.
Weight Loss Tip 2Don't eat anything for at least an hour before going to bed.
Weight Loss Tip 3Don't snack while watching TV. It's acceptable to eat a meal while watching television, but never is snacking at this time acceptable.
Weight Loss Tip 4Substitute fruits like; bananas, watermelon, plums, peaches, and oranges for sugary treats like; cookies and candy.
Weight Loss Tip 5Substitute honey for sugar, and carob powder for chocolate in all recipes. These taste just as good if not better when used properly.
Weight Loss Tip 6Eat more vegetables. This can even be enjoyable if you have a good cookbook like Good housekeeping's latest edition.
Weight Loss Tip 7Avoid unnecessary high calorie foods. Instead of a high calorie salad dressing for instance try cottage cheese or yogurt to improve the salads taste and peel of the pounds.
Weight Loss Tip 8Exercise at least a half hour each day for five days out of the week. Biking on a stationery bike while reading is a great form of exercise to slim legs.
In conclusion there is nothing stopping you from losing weight except yourself. Get off the "I can't do anything about my weight problem" bandwagon and start dropping pounds today!
For more of Beth's expert advice visit her Website now.
The Top Ten Things You Dont Want to Hear About Losing Weight
(But What You Need to Know if You Want to Get Fit!)
10) No, you won't end up looking like the latest hot young model/singer/actress!
Let's face it: your body is your body. It's the only one you've got. Can you still look great? Sure! But there are some things you can't change. You can't make your legs longer or your feet smaller. You can't grow five inches or elongate your torso. You have what you have, so work with it! Concentrate on making a healthy and fit you instead of wishing you looked like someone else. You don't have to be perfect to be attractive. A strong, fit body as well as the self-confidence it brings can make any person attractive!
9) It's better to be muscular and weigh more than to be flabby and weigh less.
I've said it so many times: I'd much rather be 135lbs and muscular than 120lbs and flabby. I've been both, and 135lbs with a lower percent of body fat was definitely better! I was smaller, stronger and had much more energy. So, don't always seek that magical number on the scale, but look at your total body composition instead.
8) You can't get fit in a week.
Okay, well, you can, but only if you're one week away from being in peak condition and you keep working out. Otherwise, forget about it! If you want to look good for that class reunion or because you'll be in a bikini soon, then get moving way before that. Or better yet, get moving for your own health and not for "things" like reunions and bikinis.
7) You need to put some effort into it.
You want to get fit? You have to work at it. You have to plan it, you have to schedule it, and, most importantly, you have to do it. No excuses. Sitting on the couch, telling yourself you should be doing something will not burn up a lot of calories. If nothing else, get out there and start walking. And while you're out there walking think about a plan of action for a healthier you and get started on it today ? not tomorrow!
6) You need to exercise.
Can you lose weight just by diet alone? Sure, you can! But if you want to get fit, you need to exercise those muscles, including your heart. And that heart won't get any exercise if you're sitting on the couch, eating broccoli. Lose the weight that you need to lose and you'll just end up with a thin, but flabby, body. Get moving! Weight training is ideal, but if you're really not into weight training, find an activity you like to do that work all your major muscle groups.
5) You need to eat properly.
Putting aside any low carb/low fat/high protein controversies, the simple fact is, if you want a fit body, you need to nourish it. Protein, carbs and fat are important, but vitamins and minerals are key elements that your body needs, too. No matter what way of eating you're following make sure you're getting enough vitamins and minerals. Add a variety of fresh vegetables and fruit to your diet. The next time you go grocery shopping, linger around the produce section and not only pick out some old favorites, but experiment a little by trying something new!
4) You can't lose weight overnight.
You didn't gain it overnight -- or in two months -- and you're not going to lose it overnight -- or in two months. Think of getting fit as a train leaving the station: you start off slow, gather speed and then off you go! Patience is the key here. Look for consistent trends. If you're really not losing fat and getting stronger after a couple of months, then you need to sit down and honestly analyze what you're doing. Keep a journal to help you know how you're really eating and exercising.
3) You can't spot reduce.
Genetics will decide where the fat will come off. Doing 1000 crunches won't reduce your belly fat. Nor will 1000 leg lifts get rid of the fat on your inner thighs. Your body does not burn the fat it needs from the body part that you're exercising. Your body will burn fat much like an onion is peeled, a layer at a time, if you will. So, don't overdo it on the exercise for one specific body part and look to getting your whole body in shape.
2) There are no quick fixes.
That's right, you heard me. There are no quick fixes. None. Put all those pills, potions, contraptions and miracle diets in the garbage where they belong. Learn the basics about how your body gains muscle and loses fat, so you won't get sucked in by another scam again.
1) Fitness is a lifelong commitment!
So, you faithfully work out and eat properly and you've reached your goals. Now what? Well, now you've got to keep doing it for the rest of your life, that's what! You can't just work your way to being fit and then stop, because you'll end up exactly like you were before. Fitness is a lifelong commitment. And, you want to know a secret? It isn't easy! And anyone who says it is easy is trying to sell you something. Make fitness a lifelong ambition and you'll reap the rewards of a long and healthy life, filled with energy, strength and an overall sense of well being.
Suzanne Hiscock has been interested in fitness and nutrition for over 16 years. She is the owner of FitWatch Inc. and developer of the FitWatch Fitness Tracker, an online food and exercise tracker. You can visit the site at for a variety of fitness calculators and tools.
Green Tea May Ward Off Weight Gain
Green Tea May Ward Off Weight Gain
But You'd Have to Drink a Lot of Tea to Match Preliminary Lab Tests in Mice
By Miranda Hitti WebMD Medical NewsReviewed by Louise Chang, MDJan. 23, 2008
The benefits of green tea might include blocking fat and keeping extra pounds at bay, according to preliminary lab tests in mice.
Don't skip over that word "preliminary." There's no proof yet that sipping green tea will do the same for people. Staying in shape continues to be a balancing act between calories and activity.
Here's what those preliminary lab tests in mice show:
Less weight and fat gain. Among mice with an obesity gene, those that ate chow laced with green tea extract gained less weight and less fat. Less fat in the liver. There was less sign of "fatty liver" disease in the mice with the obesity gene that ate chow laced with green tea extract. Lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in mice with the obesity gene that ate the chow laced with green tea extract, compared to other mice with the same obesity gene. A healthy liver isn't fatty. But obesity -- in mice or in people -- can lead to fatty buildup in the liver and cause nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
As for that green tea extract, the study used it in doses equal to what a person would get from drinking at least seven cups of green tea a day.
The University of Connecticut's Richard Bruno, PhD, RD, and colleagues report their findings in February's edition of The Journal of Nutrition.
SOURCES:Bruno, R. The Journal of Nutrition, February 2008; vol 138: pp 323-333.News release, American Society for Nutrition.
Weight Loss Diet
Furthermore, if you are suffering from diabetes, high triglycerides, or high blood pressure, you cannot afford to be even moderately overweight. A portly frame can result in hypertension, cardiovascular disease, gallbladder disease, diabetes, and some types of cancers. Obesity can kill you. But losing weight can reduce and ultimately eliminate that potential.
So, how to lose weight? Diet plan and weight loss program? In fact, Americans are just plain diet crazy. And yet, most diet plans and weight loss programs do not work. Believe it or not, over one-third of American women and a quarter of a million American men are dietin

Actually, he best weight loss method is to find an exercise and loss weight diet solution you can live with - not just for a few days or weeks, but indefinitely - is the key to successfully losing weight and gaining health. By now, most of us have probably tried a number of different weight loss methods before figuring out what works. Some of those methods are ridiculous (like food-of-the-day diet, juicy-only diet, grapefruit diet, or milkshake diet), and others is poor fits for our preferences and lifestyles (like an aerobics class for a person who feels clumsy and self-conscious even when standing still, or an early-morning hour at the gym for a night owl with a full-time job and a child to get ready for school). What did you achieve? Chances are, you ended up with a thicker waistline and wider hips than you had before.
Also, starvation diets do not work because you need nourishment just to stay alive. The energy from food - calories - provides your body with the energy it needs to breathe, to keep your blood pumping, and to carry on other important life functions. On other diets, you probably spent hours calculating the calories in your food. According to the theory, calories are the basic unit of energy that food can provide. The higher the calories in a particular food, the more energy it contains. This energy can fuel your body's basic functions. But, if calories are not burned off, they can accumulate as unwanted fat.
So, how to lose weight efficiently? The answer is shifting calories program. If you follow this diet plan, you can lose 9 lbs in every 11 days.
Check out our website for more information about shifting calories program here:
Article Source:
Diet And Exercise
Both nutrition and physical activity is needed for a healthy and fit body. Exercise is going to give us fitness along with four major things, flexibility, strength, muscle endurance, and cardiovascular health. Diet on its own is not going to give you this; you need to have the physical part as well. One thing to remember is a bad diet can affect your fitness training, even if you are following the best type of exercise plan available. You need a healthy diet and a lot of exercise; this is what makes you healthy and fit.

The answer to the question, how long one should exercise, has been answered by a lot of scientific observers. The average is at least 40 minutes of exercise thrice a week. This will help to strengthen the cardiovascular health. This 40minutes came up when scientist found that the body drew energy from the muscles for the first 20minuties, only when it was sure that the supply of energy was needed for a long period of time it switched to burning fat. Another idea is that 3500 calories must be used in a week by doing any sort of physical activity. This will benefit you and your heart as well. It is a good idea to speak to your doctor first to find out what exercise plan is going to be best for you and your body. The energy nutrients that are stored like glucose and fatty acids with a few amino acids are let out into the blood during exercise in order to provide energy for what you are doing. This means that the body will respond to exercise by adjusting its fuel consumption.
There is a way to use diet to control high blood pressure and now they are finding out that exercise has a role in keeping blood pressure from increasing. With the reduction of sodium into your body, weight loss and limited alcohol use, along with increased amount of physical activity and a low fat diet, you can control hypertension. Foods that are used for the purpose of lowering blood pressure without using medication can include sweets and many beverages that have sugar, red meat and fats in them.
To build muscle in the body, proteins are used. The body burns fat and proteins while we are physically active, when we rest after physical activity, proteins are used in muscle building. There is research that has shown that athletes will retain more protein and use more of it as fuel for the body. The American Dietetic Association has said that one gram per kilogram of bodyweight is recommended for people that do not exercise at all. For the athletes, the protein amounts are going to be higher. It should be considered that athletes also need more carbohydrates as well. If they do not take enough crabs, the protein will be used up for fuel and there will not be nothing left for muscle building after exercise is done.
There is increasing evidence that weight bearing exercises like walking, dancing, running, and sports are very good for developing healthy bones. Swimming has been of great use for bone health. Eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia have been said to damage bone strength. Exercise alone cannot make your body healthy. You need to have the proper calcium and other vitamins and minerals required for bone growth with adequate amount of exercise to provide the best bone health. Along with diet and exercise you can keep your body in peak condition and enjoy good health through out your life.